
Chaosmos – As the Universe Ends, The Hunt Begins!


SKU: MOX-1001

Product Description

Chaosmos is a 2-4 player hidden-information strategy game with miniatures, playable in 60-90 minutes.

In Chaosmos, you are an alien on a desperate quest to find and secure the most important object in the history of the biocosm – the Ovoid. You’ll traverse the galaxy, exploring planets and battling other players to build up a strategic hand of cards.

As you progress through the game, you’ll gather weapons and tactical equipment that help you discover, gain control of, and protect the Ovoid. This mysterious artifact is your civilization’s last hope for survival, and you will have to use deception, misdirection, and strategy to outwit your opponents and possess it at the exact moment the universe collapses! By carefully balancing your hand of cards, spending your turn actions wisely, and cleverly using your alien powers, you’ll maintain a grasp on the state of the game while plunging everyone else into chaos.

Additional Information

Weight 5 lbs
Dimensions 12 x 12 x 3 in


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